Recycle is the most widely preferred way of old car battery handling.You can either recycle them, resell them or dispose of them. There are different ways you can handle old car batteries. If not disposed of properly, these materials are dangerous for the environment. These batteries are made from plastic or hard rubber. Lead-acid batteries contain electrolytic solutions having sulphuric acid. The store will issue the new core charge for the new battery. The refund amount will adjust to the new battery price. Inform the employee that you want a refund on your deposit, and the employee will take care of the rest.īut if you want to buy a new battery simultaneously, you can do that.Bring the old battery you bought from a Walmart store and the original receipt at any Walmart store.If you don’t want to replace the battery, you will get a credit note for shopping at Walmart.įollow the below steps to process your core charge refund at a Walmart store. You can exchange your old battery for the new one. You wish to return an old battery not bought at the Walmart store.You do not return your old battery to the Walmart store.You lose the original buy receipt, and the store can’t find the buy record.Old battery to be recycled, which you bought from Walmart store against which you paid the fee.Original battery buy receipt from Walmart with core charges mentioned on it.To claim the refund, you must bring the items below to the Walmart store: To get the refund, visit the Walmart customer service center or automotive department. Walmart will recycle the battery at no cost.

Take your used car battery for recycling to a Walmart store, and they will accept it. The old car battery returning procedure is straightforward.